
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Protovis might look like through an F# Lens

Recently, the development team received the ComponentOne Studio for WPF control suite.
Since I love F# and data visualizations I thought to myself that it might be cool to have a Protovis style API for the Charting controls. So I started hacking and surprisingly came up with the following  F# Script :

#r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentOne\Studio for WPF\bin\Design\C1.WPF.C1Chart.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\PresentationFramework.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\WindowsBase.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\PresentationCore.dll"
open System

(* ==== Charting references ==== *)
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open C1.WPF.C1Chart

(* create a panel (or blank charting control) *)
let Panel = new C1Chart()

(* Panel Width *)
let width (w: float) (p: C1Chart) = 
    p.Width <- w 

(* Panel Height *)
let height (h: float) (p: C1Chart)  = 
    p.Height <- h 

(* Chart Type *)
let add  (ct: ChartType) (p: C1Chart) = 
    p.ChartType <- ct

(* Data *)
let data  (d: List) (p: C1Chart) =
    let ds = new DataSeries()
    ds.Values <- new Media.DoubleCollection(Seq.ofList d)
    p.Data.Children.Add ds

(* Render *)
let render (c: C1Chart) = 
    let content = c
    let grd = new Grid()
    grd.Children.Add(content) |> ignore
    new Window(Title = "Protovis Via F#", Content = grd)
let vis = 
        |> width 150.0
        |> height 150.0
        |> add ChartType.Column
        |> data [1.0; 1.2; 1.7; 1.5; 0.7; 0.3]
        |> render

  [] ignore <| (new Application()).Run vis

As you can see from the above script, it really isn't all that difficult to get the same style API.
I just replaced the . or (Dot) function from the Protovis API with the standard F# pipeline operator / function.
Below is a screen shot of the above script which is the first sample in the "Getting Started" section on the Protovis site.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Consuming OData Feed from F#

Sadly, there is no tooling around generating an OData service proxy in F# (that I know of).
In order to work around it I created a new C# class library project and used C# to generate a service proxy to any OData feed. I decided to use and Nerd as examples. Once I had the proxies
in C# I built an ODataServiceProxies.dll and referenced it in a F# script file.

#r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\System.ServiceModel.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\System.Data.Services.dll"
#r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\System.Data.Services.Client.dll"
#r @"D:\ODev Solutions\ODataServices\ODataServiceProxies\bin\Debug\ODataServiceProxies.dll"

open System
open System
open System.Linq
open System.Reflection
open System.Collections
open System.ServiceModel
open System.ServiceModel.Syndication
open System.Xml
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Data.Services
open ODataServiceProxies.NerdDinner
open ODataServiceProxies.NetflixCatalog
open System.ServiceModel.Activation
let netflix = new NetflixCatalog(new Uri(""))
(*Showing some movie titles from netflix feed*)
    |> Seq.iter(fun t -> printfn "%s" t.Name)

(*Showing some nerd dinners from feed*)
let nerddinner = new NerdDinnerEntities(new Uri(""))
    |> Seq.iter(fun d -> printfn "%s" d.Description)

Very Cool!! I love F#!

More F# Findings

I spend quite a bit of time reading other F# related content mainly from experts of the field.
It's definitely a great way to learn, but sometimes I get really annoyed when people put out some really great F# code only to visualize it with a sad presentation framework like Windows Forms. People... it's 2010 soon to be 2011! We need to start educating everyone on better presentation. I've decided to side track the MATLAB series and just start posting some random findings of mine through playing around in scripts with WPF and Silverlight. The hope is that someone will see something and get something out of it. If not, then at least I can contribute to more F# with WPF and Silverlight content out in the inner webs.

This first discovery is Silverlight related. I'm working on a side project and came across a need to draw a path. So I turned to the following article and decided to re-think and re-do it in F#.

Special thanks to Tomas Petricek for the Utils module logic to lookup Xaml elements in F#.

( Utils.fs )

module Utils
open System.Windows.Controls

let (?) (this : Control) (prop : string) : 'T =
  this.FindName(prop) :?> 'T

( Main.fs )
namespace DrawingAPath

open Utils
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Ink
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media

type MainView() as this = 
    inherit UserControl()
    let uri = new System.Uri("/DrawingAPath;component/MainView.xaml", UriKind.Relative)
    do Application.LoadComponent(this, uri)

    let mutable s = new Stroke()
    let inkP: InkPresenter = this?inkP
    let pv: ListBox = this?PointsViewer

    let AddPoints (pX: float, pY: float, device: StylusDevice) = 
    let DefineInkStroke (ev: MouseButtonEventArgs) = 
        inkP.CaptureMouse() |> ignore
        s = new Stroke() |> ignore
        s.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.White |> ignore

    let DisplayPointsForPath (ev: MouseButtonEventArgs) =
        let points =
                |> sp -> String.Format("X: {0} Y:{0}",sp.X,sp.Y))
        pv.ItemsSource <- points
        s <- null

      inkP.MouseLeftButtonDown.Add(fun ev -> DefineInkStroke ev)
      inkP.MouseLeftButtonUp.Add(fun ev -> DisplayPointsForPath ev )            
          |> me -> 
                let pos = me.GetPosition(this?LayoutRoot)
                pos.X, pos.Y, me.StylusDevice)

          |> Event.filter( fun (pX , pY, sd) -> 
                                pX > 0.0 && pX < 300.0 && pY > 0.0 && pY < 195.0)
          |> Event.add(AddPoints)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

MATLAB to F# Part 1

So I bought the book and brought it home. I couldn't wait to get started but life came into the picture so I had to help make dinner with the wife and kids and then eat dinner. After getting the kids into bed and watching the first five minutes of the wife's favorite T.V. show with her I finally got a chance to come down stairs and get into this a little bit. So, not having any experience with MATLAB I decided to start from the beginning of the book and work my way forward. Since this is MATLAB we need to familiarize ourselves with a few core data structures that will be used heavily through out MATLAB. Vectors & Matrices. In MATLAB vectors are just a simple list in F# and Matrices are essentially tables of vectors also known as list of list in F#.  Let start with a few simple examples from chapter 1 of the book.

1.5.1 Creating Row Vectors
There are several ways to create row vector variables. The most direct way is to put the values that you want
in the vector in square brackets, separated by either spaces or commas.
>> v  = [1 2 3 4]
v  = 
    1   2   3   4

1.5.2 Creating Column Vectors
One way to create a column vector is by explicitly putting values in square brackets, separated by semicolons:
>> c  = [1; 2; 3; 4]
c = 

1.5.2 Creating Matrix Variables
Creating a matrix variable is really just a generalization of creating row and column vector variables.
The matrix variable mat is created by explicitly typing the values.
>> mat  = [4 3 1; 2 5 6]
mat  = 
       4   3   1
       2   5   6

These core data structures are built in to F#, well the F# Powerpack. 
So you can find the F# powerpack at codeplex. Once you download it you can easily open up a script file
and start creating your own vectors and matrices. 

#r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\FSharpPowerPack-\bin\FSharp.PowerPack.dll"

open Microsoft.FSharp.Math

Creating Row Vectors (in F#)
let rowvector  =  [1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0]
Creating Column Vectors (in F#) 
let onecolumnvector  = Matrix.ofList [[1.0];[2.0];[3.0];[4.0]]
Creating a Matrix (in F#) 
let matrix = Matrix.ofList [[4.0;3.0;1.0]; [2.0;5.0;6.0]]

With the simple stuff out of the way I wanted to go a little deeper... so on to chapter 2 (Graphical Displays).
Now that we know how to create the data let's do something interesting with it... e.g. visualize it!
One way to visualize the data is to display it on a standard 2D chart with X and Y coordinates. In MATLAB you'd typically use the "built in" Plot function which (by definition thus far) can plot a single x,y coordinate or optionally two vectors of coordinates representing x and y.  So in MATLAB will create a couple of vectors representing x and y. To do this we lay down the following expression :

>> x  =  1:6;
>> y  =  [1  5  3  9  11  8]
The x vector above may look a little strange but basically what were doing is creating a vector from 1 to 6 with a step of 1. So the x and y column vectors above would look like this in the MATLAB command window.

 x , y
(1 , 1)
(2, 5)
(3, 3)
(4, 9)
(5, 11)
(6, 8)

Finally, we'd plot the vectors with the following expression :
>> plot (x , y)

It's worth noting that under the covers MATLAB is actually creating a 2D chart, plotting all the points or coordinates in both vectors, and then displays the 2D chart in a new window.

Here is the following MATLAB output.

Not to shabby, of course we could accomplish the same thing in .NET using F# and WPF.
So I thought about it and decided I did not want to write my own charting component just for the
blog post series. Especially since I've had the first build (and free release) of Visifire for WPF & Silverlight still laying around on my hard drive. :-)

So with the decision made to leverage visifire I produced the following F# code below :

#r  @"C:\\Users\\cfrederick\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\MATLAB Discoveries\\lib\\visifire\\WPFVisifire.Charts.dll" 
#r  @"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Reference Assemblies\\Microsoft\\Framework\\v3.0\\PresentationFramework.dll" 
#r  @"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Reference Assemblies\\Microsoft\\Framework\\v3.0\\WindowsBase.dll" 
#r  @"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Reference Assemblies\\Microsoft\\Framework\\v3.0\\PresentationCore.dll" 

open System
(*Charting references*)
open Visifire.Charts
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls

//Plot function, used to plot a single data point
let plot x y =
    let dp = new DataPoint()
    dp.XValue <- x
    dp.YValue <- y

let createChart xs ys =
  let chart = new Chart()
  let title = new Title()
  title.Text <- "MATLAB Sample Plotting Chart"
  chart.Titles.Add title
  chart.Watermark <- false

  let data =
   let dataseries = new DataSeries()
   dataseries.RenderAs <- RenderAs.Line xs ys
     |> (x,y) -> plot x y)
     |> List.iter(fun dp -> dataseries.DataPoints.Add dp)
    chart.Series.Add data
let content = 
createChart [1.0..6.0] [1.0;5.0;3.0;9.0;11.0;8.0] 
let window = new Window(Title = "Fun plotting like MATLAB", Content = content)
[] ignore <| (new Application()).Run window

And here is the final output from FSI and VS2010.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Introducing MATLAB -> ( F# & WPF ) Series

My latest purchase a few days ago was at Borders book store. I went in the store looking for a specific WPF charting book which covers visualizing mathematical formulas. No such luck. However, after turning my attention to the core computer science section, I found the following book on MATLAB (short for" matrix laboratory"). I was never really strong in math and this book seems to be a nice self guided introduction which works up to some advanced data analysis/visualizations. Since I'm constantly looking for core computer science type approaches from a functional perspective I figured this is a good choice. My plan is to obviously teach myself MATLAB but also translate the MATLAB functions over to F# and move the graphical stuff over to WPF. For the last 8 years I've been doing hardcore imperative programming using mainstream languages. More and more every day I wish I where doing functional programming using (F# of course) or something like ML,OCaml, or dare I say Haskell. My long term plan is to teach myself core functional programming so that I can get a job which safely transitions into the functional programming world. My dream job would be to write core functional programs while having the freedom to visualize them using a great presentation framework like WPF.  As the title says, I will be going through the chapters & exercises and presenting them here. I will take as much time as I can to produce good quality posts on this topic. You can expect the format to be something like the following: MATLAB source and screen shots( if any), followed by F# source, followed by WPF screen shots. Any way, I'm looking forward to learning MATLAB and sharing my discoveries here on my blog.

-Stay tuned and keep on dev'n

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My F# awareness is improving

So today I read an article that linked to a site called language references. It's basically a site like code keep, it has some snippets of code for common programming tasks or problems. I noticed that there is a section on F# so I decided to check it out. I started scrolling through the list and came to a snippet of code for reversing a string. This coding example is near and dear to me because it's one of those interview questions programmers tend to get... much like fizbuzz. However, after reviewing the implementation which was simple Array.Reverse on a character array I decided to create an account so that I could contribute my version of reversing a string in F#. If you go to the following url:  you'll see my implementation which is also below.

let word = "reverse me"
//reverse the word
let reversedword = 
   |> Array.fold(fun acc x -> List.Cons(x,acc)) []
I'm basically using a simple fold with an empty list as the accumulator or the element that's being threaded through. I picked up that tip from a functional programming video I saw on The topic was Map Reduce. I then went on to the section of the site where they have a list of problems that have not been solved yet. So I decided to tackle one of those. I came across the following and immediately thought it would be rather simple to implement and I could use a simple fold again. :-)

Here's the problem:

So I came up with the following implementation: (which you will also see on the website)
#r @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Xml.Linq.dll"

open System
open System.Xml.Linq
//XElement Helper
let xname sname = XName.Get sname 

 let xmlsnippet = 
    let snippet = new XElement(xname "shopping")
    //create bread
    let bread = new XElement(xname "item")
    bread.SetAttributeValue(xname "name","bread")
    bread.SetAttributeValue(xname "quantity",3)
    bread.SetAttributeValue(xname "price",2.50)
    //add bread to snippet
    //create milk
    let milk = new XElement(xname "item")
    milk.SetAttributeValue(xname "name","milk")
    milk.SetAttributeValue(xname "quantity",2)
    milk.SetAttributeValue(xname "price",3.50)
    //add milk to snippet

let totalprice (xe: XElement) =
    xe.Descendants(xname "item")
        |> i -> Double.Parse(i.Attribute(xname "price").Value))
        |> Seq.fold(fun acc x -> acc + x) 0.0

F# is awesome!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another late night learning more about F#

Just thought I'd share a few minor things I'm working on in my spare time. The first little project is a visualization project that I'm doing for my wife.  She's collecting some information from a large group of schools in the district and compiling it all in an excel file. So I thought I'd write some F# to scrape the data from the excel file and perform some analysis on it and then visualize it in Silverlight.
The silverlight part hasn't started quite yet, but I should get to that tonight or tomorrow. Below is a screen shot of the excel document in the early stages of compiling the data manually.

The data is basically about competed teams at a state competition over the past 5 years broken out
by category. My job is to pull all this information and display by teams size (which is the red, green, and yellow on the right hand side of the document). Below is some of the F# I've come up with so far.

#r @"C:\Windows\assembly\GAC\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel\\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll"
#r @"C:\Windows\assembly\GAC\Office\\Office.dll"

open Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
open System
open System.Runtime.InteropServices

// Create new Excel.Application
let app = new ApplicationClass(Visible = true)
//Create the workbook path
let workbookPath = @"C:\Research.xlsx"
// Open the workbook from the workbook path
let workbook = app.Workbooks.Open(workbookPath)
// Get the worksheets collection
let sheets = workbook.Worksheets
// Grab the worksheet we need to pull data from
let worksheet = (sheets.[box 1] :?> _Worksheet)
let TeamSizeByCategory (category: int) (startColumn: string) (endColumn: string) =     // Pull the data from each row and yield it into a list of obj[Dance,Military,Hip Hop,Kick,Pom,Show]
    // I-N (2006) P-U (2007) W-AB (2008) AD-AI (2009) AK-AP (2010)
    let data = [ for i=5 to 80 do
                    let row = (worksheet.Range(String.Format("{0}{1}",startColumn,i) , String.Format("  {0}{1}",endColumn,i)).Value2 :?> obj[,])
                    yield [row.GetValue(1,1)
    let CategoryFolks =
        |> List.filter( fun i -> i.[category] <> null)
    let CategoryFolksSmall =
         |> List.filter( fun item -> (item.[category] :?> double) <= 15.0)
    let CategoryFolksMedium =
        |> List.filter( fun item -> (item.[category] :?> double) >= 16.0)
        |> List.filter( fun item -> (item.[category] :?> double) <= 29.0)
    let CategoryFolksLarge =
        |> List.filter( fun item -> (item.[category] :?> double) >= 30.0)

seq {
         if CategoryFolks.Length > 0 && CategoryFolksSmall.Length > 0 then
          yield "Small", Math.Abs(float CategoryFolksSmall.Length / float CategoryFolks.Length) * 100.0
         if CategoryFolks.Length > 0 && CategoryFolksMedium.Length > 0 then
          yield "Medium", Math.Abs(float CategoryFolksMedium.Length / float CategoryFolks.Length) * 100.0
         if CategoryFolks.Length > 0 && CategoryFolksLarge.Length > 0  then
          yield "Large", Math.Abs(float CategoryFolksLarge.Length / float CategoryFolks.Length) * 100.0

//Simple type to encapsulate a single year of data for all categories
type AnnualStatistic(year,data) =
    member x.Year = year
    member x.Data = data

//I really want the ability to persist the data from the excel file into a Db40 object database, which is something I've blogged about before.
let dbpath = "C:\Users\cfrederick\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\ResearchVisualization\db"
let persist (year: string) startColumn endColumn =
    let data = [ for i=5 to 80 do
                    let row = (worksheet.Range(String.Format("{0}{1}",startColumn,i) , String.Format("  {0}{1}",endColumn,i)).Value2 :?> obj[,])
                    yield [row.GetValue(1,1)

    /// Db40 Implementation to persists historical data from excel
    //the use keyword is synonymous to using in c#
    use container = Db4oFactory.OpenFile(Path.Combine(dbpath, "Researchdb.yap"));
    container.Store(new AnnualStatistic(year,data))
//Finally a helper function to retrieve a given years worth of data for all categories from the Db4o database.
let AnnualStatistic year =
    use container = Db4oFactory.OpenFile(Path.Combine(dbpath, "Researchdb.yap"));
    let results =
        seq {
                let r = container.Cast().Select(fun i -> i)
                for i in r do
                    yield i
        |> Seq.filter(fun item -> item.Year = year)
        |> Seq.head

The more I use F# the more I love it. :-)
-Develop with Passion

Sunday, May 2, 2010

New path for possible career opportunity

Lately, functional programming is all I think about. Sometimes I get a little down about writing C#.  :-(
Gasp!  I never thought in a million years that I'd ever think that let alone write it. Anyway, at the present time I find myself continuing to make a difference for my current employer. Introducing them to modern solutions and technology to help them have a leg up on the competition. However, I'm constantly reminded  that I'm not in an environment where I'm learning from my co-workers. So I have to seek external conferences, blogs, camps, user groups, etc to make up for it. For the last five years I've always kept an eye on Google. Lately, I've seen more opportunities pop up... even some with .NET development. I'm thinking that over next two years I'm going to ramp up my skills on F#, Python, and Ruby. From what I've seen and heard so far those languages are core prerequisites.  There will be a lot to learn including Google App framework, but the payoff could be totally worth it. We'll see what happens, but that's the thought for now. :-)

-Develop with Passion

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The road to F#

Yesterday I got called to a meeting to talk about a prototype which I can't speak of.
However, I can talk about one requirement which is to read information from a ms project file. Things like tasks and resources. I've never parsed a ms project file before but I figured it would be similar to any other office object model using yucky COM underneath. So I fired up VS2010 and did a file -> new project on the F# node and started down the normal path of adding a reference to the ms project library blah blah blah.
Then I had to launch ms project 2007 and load a project file, and then I could go back to FSI and start to write some code. After about 2 min of hacking, here's what I got

#r @"C:\Windows\assembly\GAC\Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject\\Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.dll"

open Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject

let projectapp = new ApplicationClass()
let project = projectapp.ActiveProject
for t in project.Tasks do
    printfn "%A" t.Name

Not to shabby. However, I did have to open project and load a .mpp file (which is the project file format).
This is not a big deal since the app requires it, but I thought to myself... what if it did not require it?
So I started searching around for a library or just information the file format itself to see if I could build something to parse it directly. After about 10 min I found mpxj, this library is originally written in Java and then they wrote a .NET library on top of it. So .NET interops with this library. Best part is... you can work with many versions of MS project and you don't need to have it installed. You can point to the file load it up and pull out almost any data you wish. I thought it might sound to good to be true, so I downloaded it and tried to use it in F#. After 20 min of hacking and reading the documentation... I came up with this.

#r @"local path to this file ->\mpxj.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.Core.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.Util.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.Beans.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.Charsets.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.jdbc.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.Misc.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.Security.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.SwingAWT.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.Text.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.XML.API.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.XML.Bind.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.OpenJDK.XML.Parse.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\IKVM.Runtime.dll"
#r @"local path to this file ->\poi-3.6-20091214.dll"

open System
open net.sf.mpxj
open net.sf.mpxj.reader
open net.sf.mpxj.writer

let filepath = "b4ubuild_sample_07.mpp"
let preader = ProjectReaderUtility.getProjectReader(filepath)
let pfile =
let ta = pfile.getAllTasks()
let resources = pfile.getAllResources()

for i = 0 to ta.size() do
    let t = (ta.get(i) :?> Task) //down casting in F# (taking an obj and casting it to typeof(Task))
    let taskName = t.getName()  

for i = 0 to resources.size() do
    let r = (resources.get(i) :?> Resource)
    let rname = r.getName()

Now that's more like it. I've officially decided to invest in F#.  The last time I made a big investment like this was around 2005 when I first started playing with WPF. :-)

Friday, March 19, 2010

The functional programming journey

For the last year and half I've been playing around with F#. Accomplishing little task like simple File I/O, Winform UI Development, standard calculations, etc. Doing all of this because I have a F# book and a few web resources. So I figured that I would finally break down and do what the experts say I should do... which is to learn another functional programming language. A few weeks ago I went looking on I Tunes-U for some functional programming lectures. To my surprise I found quite a bit of lectures. UC Berkley & Stanford lectures stood out the most so I tried the Stanford lectures. Programming Paradigms by Jerry Cain is a great series of lectures covering C/C++/Java/LISP/Python/networking and more. I chose to jump into the LISP section of the series. After reviewing the lectures it gave me a fresh perspective on F#, and suddenly F# made a lot more sense in my head. Now I'm able to do thing like interface with WPF from F#, I wrote my own F# library and leveraged it in a C# project I'm working on, and the more I learn about core functional fundamentals the more I learn about F#. I guess I just needed a deeper understanding in order to wrap my mind around F# and functional programming in general. And I must say, the more I realize what the F# compiler is doing behind the scenes the more I appreciate it. Just yesterday I was writing some c# code in a project and thought to
myself "I wish I was in F# right now, because I'd be done with this task if I was". :-)
What does that mean exactly... should I make the transition to functional programming? Sometimes I think I could. I'd just need to beef up on my math skills, and I'd be all set. I'll save that topic for another day. :-)